Technical Tours

Below you will find relevant information about the Technical Tours hosted by the Municipality of Oslo during the NORDIWA 2025 conference. The booking of seats for the different tours will be possible at a later date to be announced.

Hovinbekken from Tegleverksdammen to Klosterenga park

2 x 30-40 people, duration 90 – 120 min

The Hovin stream has, over the past 15 years, been transformed from a closed and polluted city stream with grey industrial surroundings to an open and vibrant blue-green thread winding through a new residential area and downstream through existing parks that have found new life. This has been the result of several agencies collaborating and pulling together with a dedicated multidisciplinary team of professionals. The tour will take us along the stream about 2,5 km to look at the different projects and explore the many different stories that has made this possible. Photo © Bjørbekk & Lindheim

Iladalen to Deichmanns gate (rooftop of Vega scene)

2 x 30-40 people, duration 90 min

Like many cities, Oslo has a combined sewer system that is frequently put to test, and especially so with even heavier rainfall. Keeping water out of the sewer system is therefore a priority. This is especially the case if we can also enhance the surroundings and contribute to a greener healthier city while saving the sewer system and reducing runoff to rivers and the fjord. On this 2 km tour we will visit several sites where surface runoff is held back in open and green systems, the largest being Iladalen park. Roof spouts of buildings around the park have been disconnected and water sent to a large scale and beautiful rain garden. Photo © Bergknapp

Visiting the biggest waste water pump station in Oslo – Frognerparken

Number: Max. 25 people per tour.  Duration: 60-90 min. 

Below Frogner Park recreation area, the largest central park in Oslo, you will also find Oslo’s largest pump station. Large parts of the waste water from the city center of Oslo are pumped into our waste water tunnel below Frogner Park which furthermore transports the waste water 30 km to a treatment plant south west of the city.

Join us for a guided tour in the pumping stations, 60 meters below the surface, including both a glance into the waste water tunnels and an introduction to how Oslo in general terms regulate the waste water flow in our tunnels.


Number: Max. 30 people per tour.  Duration: 60-90 min. 

Did you know that Oslo has many secret passages? Common culverts for infrastructure have been built under central parts of the city. Join us on a walk under the city! Learn about what is a culvert for infrastructure, and what advantages such culverts have for infrastructure projects.

Guided Tour at Bekkelaget Wastewater Treatment Plant – Including “The Drop” Artwork

For up to 60 participants (in two groups), approx. duration: 90–120 minutes

Explore the Bekkelaget Wastewater Treatment Plant in a guided tour, highlighting the facility’s operations, challenges, and plans for the future.

  • Unique Setting and Operational Challenges: Discover the benefits and complexities of running a wastewater treatment plant within a mountain, including ongoing efforts to enhance efficiency and future expansion plans.
  • “The Droplet” Sound Installation: Experience the process of wastewater treatment through the sound art installation “Dråpen” (“The Droplet”) by Arne Nordheim, which brings the treatment process to life audibly.

The Positive Impact of Wastewater Management on the Oslofjord – Including a visit to the popular arranged bathing spot near Bekkelaget wastewater treatment plant

For up to 30 participants, approx. duration: 90 minutes

A tour exploring the critical role of wastewater treatment in the Oslofjord’s environmental history and future. Discover how improved water quality in Oslo’s inner fjord has restored this area, making it a beloved recreational bathing and swimming spot for locals once again.

  • Water Circulation Challenges: Learn about the topographical challenges affecting water flow in the inner Oslofjord and its impact on overall water quality.
  • Visit to the bathing area near Bekkelaget: Explore the popular arranged bathing area neighboring the wastewater treatment plant and learn about additional strategies for reducing nitrogen impact in the vicinity beyond the plant’s treatment processes.

Fjord cruise – a guided tour in the inner fjord

For up to 50 people, duration 60 -90 min,

See the city from the sea. A fjord cruise from Langkaia to Sørenga and Bjørvika and further towards Aker brygge and Tjuvholmen. Along the way, our guides will talk about the environmental monitoring of fjord, its status, development and what we see of challenges and positive signs today. The cruise ends at Langkaia. 

Visit Langøyene  – once a waste dump, now a beautiful island made for recreation

For up to 50 people, duration 90-120 min

Langøyene was opened to the public in the spring of 2022 after a lengthy renovation, including a new beach, new toilet facilities and clean drinking water. The beautiful island in the inner fjord is worth a visit. Our guides will talk about Langøyene’s history as a waste dump for Oslo, to how it has been made into what it is today. There will also be an opportunity for a swim.

The trip starts and ends at Langkaia.

Fjordbyen – the city by the fjord. A guided tour through a former harbor area, now housing the Opera and the Munch Museum.

2 x 30 people from each side, duration 60 min

A guided walk through Bjørvika, a former harbor area freed for housing, restaurants,  culture and recreation. Our guides will take us though the development of the area, the beach and bathing places and the environmental monitoring of the fjord. Includes a view from the top of the Opera and the Munch Museum.


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