

The conference programme will be made available during Q1 2025 and posted here.


As for previous NORDIWA conferences, we are open for suggestions for workshops, with similar themes as the conference themes.


  • EU’s new Urban wastewater treatment directive–possibilities and challenges the decades to come.
  • Climate neutrality 2030 for the wastewater sector–steps to be taken the next 5 years

Young Water Professionals

A special session will be organized for Young Water Professionals in the Nordic Region.

Social programme

  • Welcome reception at Oslo City Hall on Tuesday, 23 September
  • The conference dinner will take place at the conference venue on Wednesday 24 September

Workshop format

Information for applicants

The format of the workshops at NORDIWA 2025 will basically be the same as in Gothenburg 2023. A workshop diEers from the presentation sessions at the conference, where the normal set-up is a certain number of presentations (full or short), and less time for discussions.

The length of a workshop is 80 minutes.

A workshop is a forum where a specific topic is presented and discussed in a smaller audience consisting of experts, practitioners and others, and where there is more room for knowledge-sharing and discussions. The presentations in a workshop are short, to allocate more time for discussions.

Participants are normally organized in smaller groups around the table.

A workshop should consist of presentations from diEerent Nordic countries, to make it relevant for a Nordic audience.

A workshop may be organized by the Programme Committee at NORDIWA or being mandated by the Programme Committee. Authors of submitted abstracts may be asked to present and participate in a workshop, where this will fit better into the programme of the conference.

Proposal format

Introduction to the topic: explain the topic, its relevance for the conference, and what you would like to bring to the table.

Programme: (note: this is a suggestion)
5 min: Welcome & Introduction by workshop chair
10 min: Keynote: on main topic
25 min: Pitches (5 min each):

  1. Denmark
  2. Sweden
  3. Finland
  4. Iceland
  5. Norway

20 min: Group discussions. Groups prepare questions for the panels.
Participants will be seated at round tables. After the pitches, each pitcher will chair one table each for a discussion of their particular topic.

10 min: Panel Q&A.
Based on the goup discussion participants will bring forward questions and comments to the panel on the need for new technical developments and regulatory and legislative initiatives.

10 min: Final Panel discussion and round up.
Total time: 80 min

Proposal content

A workshop proposal should include name and affiliation of the following:

  • Session Chair
  • Session Co-chair
  • List of speakers
  • Organizing committee

Also include the name of the workshop and it’s target audience.


Don’t hesitate to Contact Us

Should You have questions and/or comments to any aspect of NORDIWA 2025, please let us know by using the contact form on the right.

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